Monday, July 12, 2010

Better Late than Never

I am what most would call ridiculous... at least when it comes to blogging. I remember when I was a little girl of about 8 years or so, I designed my dream house that would be perfect for me, the aspiring writer. Ha! So along comes this fabulous format for me to enjoy the catharsis of pouring out my feelings into words on a page, and here I am, almost a year after "creating" this blog, just now getting around to making an entry.

I must attribute my inspiration to Sarah-- what a rock star. Four kiddos (one of which is brand spanking new) and she's already blogged. I am a slacker.

Well, one of the other reasons I"m finally blogging is that Brett let me use the computer today, so I feel an overwhelming need to do as much online as is possible (thanks, honey!)

Okay, this is gonna be weird, but this is the end of this post. I know, it's not much, right? But hey, cut me some slack. I'm a little out of practice these days, so it might take me a while to get back into a more predictable, steady pace (of maybe, every six months or so) tee hee!

1 comment:

  1. Kaycee, I just visited this blog for the first time in years (probably since you started it and told me about it) and had a moment of "oh, no! All this time I've had her old blog on my roll and haven't been reading her updates!" And then I saw that there's this one entry and breathed a sigh of relief (thanks for the kudos, but you must know that I was likely assigned to bed or the couch when said blogging occurred. I am now no longer required to be in bed, and therefore have not blogged much, either).

    Now I'm conflicted: do I update to this blog address, which, though it has been posted to more recently, does not have quite the same humor attached to it as the last post of your other blog which I love to see at the complete bottom of my blogroll with the title, "Wednesday is Antiprocrastination Day."

    Miss you. I'll message you soon to catch up.
