Thursday, September 27, 2012

Let them eat cake... or I'll do it for them!

So my sweet mom is one who started this obsession (God bless her). Whole Foods magically deliciousness known as Berry Chantilly Cake.

I set out on a quest to duplicate this amazing concoction, and came across this recipe on Chow Hound:
(scroll down a bit for the recipe)

Now, I tried making the cake- well, sort of. It's like way more complicated than a person like me can possibly begin to make, and I didn't even remember some of these things being in the cake when I had it recently at my dear friend's bridal shower...So I opted made it into cupcakes for my mom's birthday, and well, I accidentally forgot to add some of the sugar (in my haste), and the cake was okay, but nowhere near the perfection of that light, fluffy moistness I have come to know and love at Whole Foods...

However, the frosting is magnificent! It's spot on, I tell you, and it is so good, you could slap that stuff on anything and make it amazing-  so I'm keeping the frosting part of the recipe and in search of the perfect cake to accompany it- and let me know if you come across something worthy of it's scrumptious frosting friend

And to my wonderful surprise, I had leftover frosting and used it with crepes (and fresh berries, of course) for my son's birthday, and I felt like it was my special day!  I'm serious- this combo is my new favorite thing to eat- it's making my mouth water just thinking about it.

So here's the recipe for the for the frosting:

Mascarpone Cream cheese frosting:
2 cups of heavy cream

8 ounces of mascarpone cheese, room temperature

8 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
1 cup confectioners’ sugar, sifted

1 teaspoon almond bitter essence
1.With an electric mixer on medium speed, whisk heavy cream and
almond bitter essence until stiff peaks form (be careful not to
over-beat, or cream will be grainy).
2.In another bowl, whisk together mascarpone and confectioners’
sugar until very smooth.
3.Gently fold whipped cream into mascarpone until completely
incorporated. (this can be made a day in advance)- keep refrigerated

 It's so good, I'll have to make it again soon!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Better Late than Never

I am what most would call ridiculous... at least when it comes to blogging. I remember when I was a little girl of about 8 years or so, I designed my dream house that would be perfect for me, the aspiring writer. Ha! So along comes this fabulous format for me to enjoy the catharsis of pouring out my feelings into words on a page, and here I am, almost a year after "creating" this blog, just now getting around to making an entry.

I must attribute my inspiration to Sarah-- what a rock star. Four kiddos (one of which is brand spanking new) and she's already blogged. I am a slacker.

Well, one of the other reasons I"m finally blogging is that Brett let me use the computer today, so I feel an overwhelming need to do as much online as is possible (thanks, honey!)

Okay, this is gonna be weird, but this is the end of this post. I know, it's not much, right? But hey, cut me some slack. I'm a little out of practice these days, so it might take me a while to get back into a more predictable, steady pace (of maybe, every six months or so) tee hee!